Category Archives: health

Life Long Learning gives you these three boons

life long learning from thinking skillsIn 2015, committed to life long learning,  Doreetha Daniels earned a degree in social sciences from College of the Canyons, in Santa Clarita, California.

Doreetha was 99!

She said she wanted to get her degree simply to better herself. It took her six years –  a testament to her will, determination, and commitment to learning, according to John Coleman writing in his new book, Passion and Purpose: Stories from the Best and Brightest Young Business Leaders.

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Recently, Tamborini, Kim, and Sakamoto found that, controlling for other factors, men and women can expect to earn $655,000 and $445,000 more, respectively, during their careers with a bachelor’s degree than with a high school degree. and Graduate degrees yield more.


Reading can dramatically reduce your stress levels.  Coleman cites a  recent report in Neurology that learning activities can help delay Alzheimer symptoms, preserving people’s quality of life. Other research indicates that learning to play a new instrument can offset cognitive decline, and learning difficult new skills in older age is associated with improved memory.

I have been taking Hindi lessons. And am delighted to report it seems to open all sorts of brain pathways-so I can remember names better and just feel generally sharper. Guitar lessons are next!

And it is not surprising there is compelling research to support the idea that the better educated make better lifestyle choices and live longer.  David Cutler and Adriana Lleras-Muney’s research suggests that a year of formal education could add more than half a year to your life span.

Perhaps Doreetha Daniels, at 99, knew something we may have missed.


I admire those who are dedicated to learning and growth. I am certain you do too.

Have you ever sat in a quiet place and finished a great novel in one sitting? (By the way, I can teach you how)

Coleman asks if you remember the fulfillment you felt when you last settled into a difficult task — whether a math problem or a foreign language course — and found yourself making breakthrough progress? (I can help you here too!)

Have you ever worked with a team of friends or colleagues to master difficult material or create something new?

These experiences can be electrifying, and that is the kind of feedback from graduates of my Thinking Skills over the years.

There are many reasons to continue learning. I hope this article has given you some added inspiration.

As Coleman writes: “We live in an age of abundant opportunity for learning and development. Capturing that opportunity — maintaining our curiosity and intellectual humility — can be one of life’s most rewarding pursuits.

Sign up for –  FREE – How To Learn 200% Faster Secrets.

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Why are Americans getting so sick – and when will we follow?


Genetic Engineering (GE) ? Something new to learn every day!

Americans are very sick – and scientific evidence suggests that genetic engineering of the food supply may be the culprit.

Government regulators (FDA) and the food industry (Monsanto, Novartis et al) claim GE foods are safe – but scientific studies bely these claims. Genetically Engineered (GE) foods may cause allergies, reproductive problems and infertility, birth defects, bizarre mutations, and even cancer.

I have heard of an unidentified mystery organism causing an epidemic of livestock deaths, “Sudden Death Syndrome” – which may be linked to the GE issue. And just today I hear there are unverified rumours of farmworkers dying in SA in proximity to GE crops.

Your body thinks GE foods are foreign invaders rather than food, so they trigger immune attack. This immune response can lead to chronic inflammation, which in turn raises your risk for multiple additional health problems.

The two main types of GE foods in South Africa and Australia are herbicide-tolerant crops (eg Soy) and pesticide-producing crops (eg Maize). Both types are engineered by imprecise processes that are riddled with unexpected consequences, such as hundreds or thousands of genetic mutations that have unknown effects on human health.

Jeffrey Smith is a tireless and well-informed campaigner for the removal of GM foods from our tables. He is convinced that that one of the primary forces driving the unbelievable increase in chronic illnesses (like Alzheimers)  is America’s food supply. One of the most profound changes is genetically engineered food.

Its going to be hard to prove GE is the culprit but the evidence presented in this article and film is very compelling and should not be ignored. Please support Dr Mercola and Jeffrey Smith.

In South Africa over 80% of all maize and soy is GE. Here are some major GE food sources that should be avoided if you want to live a long and healthy life:

  • All maize products – except perhaps organic sweetcorn.
  • High Fructose Corn Syrup
  • All Soy products – even 6/10 organic varieties recently tested by UOFS were found to be contaminated
  • Imported Cottonseed or Canola Oil
  • Any milk containing rBGH – prefer organic if you can get it.

The entire Genetic Engineering issue is vastly complex – but you don’t have to be a genius to realise that the wheels are coming off. Nor do you have to be a green tree-hugger to take these warnings I have been giving you for many years. Being confident you can handle masses of data is a spinoff of the Thinking Skills approach – and you need that confidence to get started on life-long learning. It never ends.

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Problems with concentration, anxiety, tiredness, confusion, depression, excitability?

If your lifestyle includes this-it can trigger problems with concentration, anxiety, tiredness, confusion, depression dizziness and…

On a prescription? Answer YES to any of the following questions you could be in danger…

  • Do you take herbs, vitamins and all any over-the-counter products?
  • Do you have to take medicine more than once a day?
  • Do you suffer from arthritis?
  • Do you use different pharmacies to fulfil your prescription?
  • Do you have poor eyesight or hearing?
  • Do you live alone?
  • Do you sometimes forget to take your medication?

If you answered yes to ANY question—horrors—you are at risk of a thing called polypharmacy—and the nasty, dangerous side-effects of multiple drug combinations, which include lack of concentration, anxiety, tiredness, confusion, weakness, constipation, depression, tremors, excitability, rashes to name just a few.

During my Ph.D. research I was astonished at the amount of pharmaceuticals people were consuming. A few years later someone on the Thinking Skills seminar told me he had a friend in Pretoria who specialized in drug side-effects. When I heard that it was my second warning that people take too much stuff. Today I got my third warning and I’m passing it straight on to you.

I think you might do yourself a big favor and have a peek at this post, particularly if you are a woman.–there-are-nearly-1000-drugs-in-the-pipeline-targeted-for-you.aspx

The bottom line is that drugs really should be viewed as a last resort. Most health conditions can be fixed by lifestyle changes, unless the precursors have been in place for 30 years. Doctor Mercola tells us that some examples of health problems that don’t need drug interventions are: diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, and insomnia.

There is in fact an enormous scientific literature showing that these very things respond well to Transcendental Meditation.

So, as I said on the workshop,

  • Get enough rest
  • Take regular exercise
  • Eat “God made” foods i.e. high quality, delicious, unprocessed, organic (if possible) foods
  • Get plenty of joy in your lifestyle (another GREAT list of lifestyle ideas here seriously one of the best I’ve seen)
  • And of course,  pay attention to your inner life.

Now go and have a look at Dr Mercola’s  blog.

Keep learning!
